Politica de confidențialitate

This privacy policy ("policy") will help you understand howUser ("us", "we", "our") uses andprotects the data you provide to us when you visit and use articulatis.com ("website", "service").

Privacy Policy articulatis.com website administration is obligedto maintain your privacy on the Internet. We pay great attention tosecuring the data you provided to us. Our privacy policy is based onthe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

The purposes, forwhich we collect your personal data are: improvement of our service,communication with visitors to this site, user data processing forthe purpose of online sales, providing services associated with thewebsite’s specialization, , and for other actions listedbelow. Personal data storage and processingWe collect and process yourpersonal data only with your willing consent.

We reserve the rightto change this policy at any given time, of which you will bepromptly updated. If you want to make sure that you are up to datewith the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this page.

1. What User Data We Collect

When you visit thewebsite, we may collect the following data:    
• Your IPaddress.  
• Your contactinformation (name and surname, date of birth) and e-mail address,phone number, home address, bank card information.  
• Otherinformation such as interests and preferences.  
• Data profileregarding your online behavior on our website.    

2. Why We Collect Your Data

We are collectingyour data for several reasons:  
• To betterunderstand your needs.  
• To improveour services and products.  
• To send youpromotional emails containing the information we think you will findinteresting.  
• To contactyou to fill out surveys and participate in other types of marketresearch.
• To customizeour website according to your online behavior and personalpreferences.  

3. Safeguarding and Securing the Data

"website", "service" is committed to securing your data and keeping it confidential. "website", "service" articulatis.com has done all in its power toprevent data theft, unauthorized access, and disclosure byimplementing the latest technologies and software, which help ussafeguard all the information we collect online.

4. Our Cookie Policy

Once you agree toallow our website to use cookies, you also agree to use the data itcollects regarding your online behavior (analyze web traffic, webpages you spend the most time on, and websites you visit).

The data we collectby using cookies is used to customize our website to your needs.After we use the data for statistical analysis, the data iscompletely removed from our systems.Please note thatcookies don't allow us to gain control of your computer in any way.They are strictly used to monitor which pages you find useful andwhich you do not so that we can provide a better experience for you.

If you want todisable cookies, you can do it by accessing the settings of yourinternet browser. (Provide links for cookie settings for majorinternet browsers).

5. Links to Other Websites

Our website containslinks that lead to other websites. If you click on these links "website", "service" is not held responsible for yourdata and privacy protection. Visiting those websites is not governedby this privacy policy agreement. Make sure to read the privacypolicy documentation of the website you go to from our website.

6.Restricting the Collection of your Personal Data

At some point, youmight wish to restrict the use and collection of your personal data.You can achieve this by doing the following:
When you are fillingthe forms on the website, make sure to check if there is a box whichyou can leave unchecked, if you don't want to disclose your personalinformation.

If you have alreadyagreed to share your information with us, feel free to contact us viaemail  (mailart@articulatis.com) and we will be morethan happy to change this for you.

"website", "service" will not lease, sell or distribute your personal information to anythird parties, unless we have your permission. We might do so if thelaw forces us. Your personal information will be used when we need tosend you promotional materials if you agree to this privacy policy.

If you do not agreewith this privacy policy, you cannot use the services of "website", "service". In this case you should avoidvisiting our website.